Workouts of the Week (November 3 to 7)

Workouts of the Week (November 3 to 7)

This collection consists of a series of workouts that Jon and Maddy would have done themselves. Enjoy!

-Tuesday, November 2: Lower Body
-Wednesday, November 3: Hollywood Squares (Upper and Core)
-Thursday, November 4: Hollywood Squares (Lower and Upper)
-Friday, November 5: Lower Body
-Saturday: Upper and Core

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Workouts of the Week (November 3 to 7)
  • Hollywood Squares-October 24

    This workout is divided into two parts: follow Maddy for a lower body workout or follow Jon for an upper body workout. Enjoy!

    Equipment Used:

  • Lower Body- April 29

    This circuit will include mainly core, lower body exercises and conditioning.

    Equipment used:
    - Bands
    - Weights
    - Step (optional)
    - Stick

  • Upper and Core- May 10

    This class is divided into two sections. You have the option to choose between upper body or core exercises. Follow Maddy if you choose to do mostly CORE. Follow Jon if you choose to do mostly UPPER body. You may also choose to alternate between both.

    Equipment used:
    - Bands
    - Weights
    - Step (op...

  • Hollywood Squares-October 4

    This is an upper and core workout. Follow Maddy if you choose to do mainly core and follow Jon if you choose to do mainly upper body exercises. Repeat this circuit 2-3 times for the extra burn. Enjoy!

    Equipment Required:

  • Lower Body- May 13

    Lower body strength circuit that will focus on your glutes, hamstrings and quads.

    Equipment used:
    - Bands
    - Weights
    - Step (optional)
    - Stick